The Possibly Current Status of DA Re-releases

Fearful Symmetry, Darn Floor - Big Bite

In November of '97 there was an announcement that Killen Music Group (KMG) had bought Frontline Music Group (FMG) and there were plans on the re-releasing of much of the old FMG catalog.
On 1/19/98 I emailed Paul DelGiudice at Frontline to inquire about possible DA re-releases. Here is his response:
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 08:31:30 -0800
From: Paul DelGiudice
Organization: FMG,LLC
To: Kevin Shafer
Subject: Re: FMG re-releases

Kevin Shafer wrote:
> I have read the recent news that FMG has been bought by Killen Music
> Group and that there are plans to re-issue a large number of old FMG
> albums.  As the webmaster of "A Daniel Amos Home Page", I am trying to
> find out what Daniel Amos and/or Swirling Eddies albums will be a part
> of these re-releases.  If you can help me out, or know who can - any
> information would be greatly appreciated.
> Thank you,
> Kevin
> --
> Kevin Shafer
> A Daniel Amos Home Page
We have no immediate plans to re-release either of these groups, but
that does not mean we won't decide to do that maybe later this year or
early next year.  In general, we are planning to do re-releases of the
much of the old Frontline catalog -- which artists, which projects, and
when is just not definite at this time.

I will keep this page updated as I hear more news. If you know some news I don't have here, please email me.

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Authored on Amiga