As the webmaster of these here pages I'm often asked, "When will DA be in my area." Sadly I have to tell them that DA hasn't toured in years and there is no money for a tour in the near future. Luckily, like last year, I have been able to add, "But Terry & Friends will be at Cornerstone this year!" For those who do not know, Cornerstone is a Christian music/arts festival put on by Jesus People USA (JPUSA), an outreach organization in Chicago, IL. My first Cornerstone experience was in 1990 and for the first time I was able to see Daniel Amos perform live. Thankfully, eight years later, the powers-that-be at JPUSA still smile upon Terry and his friends. Even though Terry's Cornerstone '98 performance was going to lack the full ensemble of DA members, fans were grateful that Terry had such talented 'Friends'.

The appointed time was midnight. Midnight arrived, and the crowd focused attention to what was going on on and around the stage. The lights dimmed and Dwight Ozard stepped up to a microphone and introduced Terry & Friends. As Dwight left the stage, the lights were dimmed again and the crowd was greeted with "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" coming out of the speakers. When the song finished, the stage lights were brought up and the audience saw that the band members had taken their positions. As some mild distortion started to leak out of Andy's guitar, Ed started the beat count. The concert had begun...

I couldn't possibly use words to describe the entire evening, so I offer you some pictures (sorry if this page takes a while to load)...

Terry (Taylor)

Tim (Chandler)

Ed (McTaggart)

Andy Prickett

Derri Daugherty

Phil Madeira

Steve Hindalong

Wayne Everett

Riki Michele (guest vocal)

Even though Jerry and Greg were dearly missed, it was still a great show. Thanks goes to everyone at JPUSA and Cornerstone who helped make this night possible.

P.S. If you would like to see some more pictures, click here.

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Authored on Amiga