Dear Eddies, 

 I have the rock hair like the Eddies, 
the rock pants, the rock shirt, and the 
rock shoes. 
 Am I missing something ? 

Woooh Nelllyyy! 
  Brian Craig 
  Chicago, III. 

Dear Brian,  

   You're missing plenty, pal ! Our  
"Swirling Eddie Junk Pile" order form  
will get you on the right track to being  
the 'Eddie Freak' you were born to  
be. Order the "Swirling Eddies Tooth  
Paste" and you'll not only have the  
rock hair, the rock pants, the rock  
shirt, and the rock shoes, but you'll  
have the rock breath too !  

Hey Eddies !, 

    Your album "Let's Spin" is totally 
awesome ! My whole family enjoys it. 
In fact, my dad is so into it he hasn't 
quit spinning now for three months. 
He's lost his job, and my mom and I 
are a little concerned. What should 
we do ? 

Help ! 
Jessy Carol 
Little Rock, Ark. 

Dear Jessy,  

   Your father is suffering from a dis-  
ease called C.O.T.F. (Currys on the  
Floor). The best remedy for C.O.T.F  
.is soothing gentle music. For Swirling 
Eddies C.O.T.F. however, a certain  
kind of gentle music is needed,  
namely Swirling Eddies music ! In our  
order form you can order the cas-  
sette tape entitled"Swirling Eddies  
Mellow". The same songs found on  
"Let's Spin" are on this tape, however  
each song has been rearranged into  
mellow, relaxing instrumental tracks  
guaranteed to calm the savage beast !  
Don't delay- at $6.00 plus shipping  
and handling , you can't afford not to  
help your father. We want him to be-  
come a productive citizen again ! -Ed.  


  Gene Pool is the first 
of a long line of test 
tube babies, gestated 
in the third series of 
xanthum oxide com- 
pounds (chewing gum rust). 
When he was a young boy of two, living 
in Hoboken,Gene won first place in a 
national "name that germ" contest. He 
was awarded a lifetime supply of speci- 
men jars and an electric guitar. His gui- 
tar playing was soon good enough to 
prompt Camarillo into drafting Gene 
into the Swirling Eddies. Pool's fluid 
style of guitar playing has earned him 
the nickname "Slime Ball" and when 
he's really cookin' before a live audi- 
ence, Gene has been known to leave 
glistening snail like tracks on the stage 
 Gene makes his home in the swamp- 
not by or near the swamp, but actually 
in the swamp! The Eddies are planning 
several live appearances at Sea World 
this year where Gene's gill-like ap- 
pendages will allow him to do some 
amazing aquatic nicks, adding an excit- 
ing dimension to the band's live act. 

  Little is known 
about the man 
called, simply, 
"Spot" and he, 
perhaps, will al- 
ways remain an 
enigma to the rest of the members of the 
Swirling Eddies as well as the fans. A 
reclusive man of few words,Spot re- 
fuses to talk about his past,hinting only 
that "Ruth Buzzy was and still is a big 
part of it".That's all anyone knows. 
 "So I come back to where I began, to 
that other king, one Jesus; to the 
Christian notion that man's efforts to 
make himself personally and collec- 
tively happy in earthly terms are 
doomed to failure. He must indeed, as 
Christ said, be born again, be a new 
man or he is nothing. So at least I have 
concluded having failed to find in past 
experience, present dilemmas, and fu- 
ture expectations any alternate propo- 
sition. As far as I am concerned, it is 
Christ or nothing". 

Malcolm Muggridge 

"Jesus Rediscovered" 

"Let's have a Burger Bash!"  
 You won't want to miss 
our next exciting newsletter! 
You'll meet our final three Ed- 
dies- Arthur Fhardy, Berger Roy 
Al, and Hort Elvison, and you'll 
learn how you can win a tele- 
phone call from your favorite 
Eddie , along with an exciting 
dinner for two at a luxurious 
Macdonalds restaurant near 
you! Stay tuned.......... 
Look for the Swirling  
Eddie's live concert at  
a Universe near  
Details Forthcoming. 

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Authored on Amiga